
Fortschritt für die personalisierte Therapie von Hirntumoren
Thursday, 16. May 2024

Machine learning (ML) methods can quickly and accurately diagnose mutations in gliomas – primary brain tumours.


On Monday, September 16th 2019, the Seaman Award was awarded for the first time to five medical graduates for their outstanding Master's theses at their academic ceremony.


On Thursday, September 12, 2019, the closing event of the Life Science project "The role of phage in antibiotic resistance" took place at the University Hospital St. Pölten. During the one-day conference international scientists discussed the results of almost four years of research. Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences was part oft he research project.


The ESB Conference will take place this year from 7-10 July for the 25th time, the first time in Vienna. The Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences is a member of the Organizing Committee together with the Vienna University of Technology and the European Society of Biomechanics. Around 750 participants from more than 30 nations will take part in the conference.


At its meeting on 3 July 2019, the KL General Assembly reappointed Rudolf Mallinger as Rector and Sabine Siegl as Prorector for the term of office from 1 February 2020 to 31 January 2026.


Every two years, all levels of the ÖH are newly elected by the students.


Software for an innovative wearable that could optimise the collection of data in psychological studies is being developed by researchers at KL University. The device will be tested on around 150 subjects as part of an investigation entitled ‘Laughter in everyday life’*, a project which is funded by the FWF. The advantage of the wearable – in this case an armband – is that it can be quickly accessed to record data and is simple to operate. These advantages will come into their own in psychological studies that use the experience sampling method, where subjects are required to record everyday experiences. In the past, written records or smartphones have been used for data collection, but this can result in distortion of the findings.


What determines the composition of microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals? A large study carried out by TU Wien and Karl Landsteiner University Krems in cooperation with MPI Tübingen has now investigated this mystery.


Award of the Gold Medal of Honour for Services to the Province of Lower Austria.


How satisfied are you in your current main study programme? And how ’studyable’ is it from your point of view?


Every two years, all levels of the ÖH are re-elected by the students. At the ÖH-election, the students decide in a democratic way, by whom they will be represented in the university students' union within the next two years. In May 2017 it is time again: You can choose your representation and thus your interest weight.


From 29th to 30th March 2019 the international Skillslab Symposium (ISLS) at the Medical University Brandenburg focused on the teaching of different medical skills.


At the beginning of March, the Department of Physiology started at the KL with the Professor of Physiology, Dr. Gerald Obermair.

Further information